What’s your opinion? I don’t think they should be abe tobid on lockers at the location of employment.
I think that they should be allowed but at the same time every storage locker should video the cutting of the lock and re-locking. I hate seeing videos where the person uses a key to open the storage unit because its obvious they’ve already looked in the unit before the video. The last unit i won, I found a couple of the items for sale on Kijiji which were listed 1 week before the auction started. There was no doubt they were the exact same items and through my own investigating found that the person trying to sell the items was not known by the original owner of the contents.
I don’t think employees should be able to bid on units where they work. Too much chance of corrupt practices. There is also a potential problem with the perception of wrong doing even if no wrong is being done. It’s bound to make some wonder about the fairness of the process.
That’s true and the fact that they could try to “pad” the bid amount in order to make more money on their unit.
That could happen too.
Hey guy’s, just want to mention we have banned facilities in the past for doing this. We have a very strict policy against it. I don’t think you will find the same is true about the other auction websites. So as a tip, be weary of a facility that switches from bid13 to our competition, it’s quite likely that is the reason.
The employees at Storquest here in Arizona bid on the units, sorry to inform you.
Have addressed this the problem with employees and their relatives about bidding on units. Reply was that relatives could bid. Too much chance of running up bids. Have seen this in my area no matter what Bid13’s policy is. Cannot no longer see the person who is bidding on the unit.