Is it me or are locker prices crazy!

I have seen two lockers in last week gor for $10,000 (for two safes in an 3x5) and a 5x5 barely full of crap tools for $1,000… none of which either will make money.

Anybody else see same… been doing this for 5 years successfully but last 12 months no money to be made in the lockers due to the prices, taxes and fees!

Hey yeah I saw those two huge safes sell for around $10K and the 5x5 sell for around $800.
I also have noticed ppl bidding way too high lately for lockers . Maybe it’s new ppl and they will probably lose interest anyways if they keep over paying for lockers . Just have to wait them out .

I used to buy lockers weekly, now I’m lucky to get 1 ever couple months. No money in it these days. Hope you are right, see if some of these over spenders get out soon.

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To many newbs running ttt he e bids up

When i started buying lockers people did it to make a living. You could get them for $20 - $300 before it went online. Its become saturated for sure. Its just a hobby to maybe find the odd collectable or something. its pretty much After the time you put in (driving, loading, unloading, sorting dumping, selling ect) and not to mention the fuel and dump fees you definitely cant make a living from it anymore. I always look but the cringy prices scream dont do it lol. i havent bought in a long time. i used to buy 5 to 10 a week until it went online, i rarely buy 1 now. i have to really believe there is something i want and it has to be a day when there is not alot of bidders.