Edmonton storage

Action moving and storage in Edmonton has a unit they open with a lock they have a key for. Then on the inside there is fresh snow. That’s even though they call the unit a lien. If that isn’t proof enough that they rummage through the lockers beforehand I don’t know what is. Just a warning, just a heads up.

Hi Bid13 Storage Auctions Forum,

Thank you for letting us know. What Unit number are you referring to? We would like to look into this matter.

All the best!
-BID13 Team

Same thing here in Winnipeg, East Side self Storage (unit 251), unlocked a “Yellow” lock with key, you can see thick dust on cabinet has been touched. Trust is just not there. Maybe it’s legit, but makes you wonder, and stops me from bidding higher then I might have.

It’s really sad I am new to these auctions and have always wanted to try it out but my first time auction was canceled and it just so happened that the winning bidder had bid on a bunch of other units but had won none except the one they canceled on but just in the short time I have been on here checking it out has been less then 24 hours and I have seen plenty to know that they are just not honest about anything it’s truly sad that no one is regulating these things and people will continue to get ripped off until there is some order regulated with these things BUYER BEWARE only bid on what you see because you can bet that’s all you will be getting unless by some slim chance the missed something when they tossed it.